Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Inquiry Plan- November 9-13

Another broken up week, since we had Wednesday off for Veteran's Day, so I only saw each of my classes twice this week. For a review activity I broke the class into groups according to ability level. I ranked my student from high ability to low ability. I then made groups of three with a high, middle and low ability level. The groups were given a review sheet in which each group was responsible for 3 questions. The groups then worked out the problems and became "experts" on those particular problems. After 15 minutes of the groups work, the groups came up to present their problems. The presentations were to be complete with all work shown and a correct answer. The group was also to explain each process, and answer any questions from the class. Each group member was to speak roughly the same amount of time. The lower level students had an opportunity to explain the processes they understood, and be able to feel successful. The review activity was very successful, and the students performed well on the assessment which was given during our other class period.


  1. I love the mixed ability groups- I think it is important especially for those lower students to get to work with students who can model math thinking for them. This is also good for the higher students as it makes them think about the problem differently and also hear about it from a different perspective. I am so glad that you found this successful- would you do this again?

  2. This is the same thing I am trying in my classroom in regards to the mixed ability groups. My students that I am working with are the lowest ability group of all three blocks but are the most eager to learn. I like how you had the groups become "experts" on their particular problems. As a special ed teacher it makes me smile to see that students with lower ability levels are having the opportunity to feel like an expert on something that they understand.

    Did you have many students that did not want to participate when they had to go in front of the rest of the class?
